English - Like a bird - die besten Drohnenbilder der Welt

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We invite you to send us your most award-deserving drone footage
for the new movie LIKE A BIRD!
Our idea: We want to produce a feature film made up of the best drone footage from around the world.  The best thing is: If your videos are selected for the cinema film “Like a Bird – the best drone shots in the world”, you will receive €900 per minute used. (We bill to the second). And of course your name will flicker across the cinema screen in the credits. We will unearth the greatest and most award-winning drone footage on our planet and bring these cinematic treasures to the cinema.
Time and again, drone pilots around the world film images that reveal completely new insights from the perspective "from above": The interesting thing is: What is special about everyday life from a bird's eye view? Where has nature created the most impressive patterns and images in the landscape with wind and weather, with plants and animals, with rivers or deserts or with mountains and valleys? Where has man interfered with nature and changed its image, where has he destroyed it? What are the most incredible, impressive and surprising findings when viewing the world from the air? We look forward to your creative submission. We will combine drone footage from around the world along with our own drone footage to create our new feature film.

Since drone technology can nowadays deliver impressive and razor-sharp images in 4K, we have the opportunity to edit a documentary that belongs on the big screen. A full-length feature film that captivates the audience and takes them to completely new worlds. Our main focus is on the artistic and aesthetic aspects of the image: structures that only become visible from the air, such as branching rivers, coral reefs with shimmering turquoise water, or snow-covered ice deserts in the Arctic. We are curious to see what sensational things you have discovered from a bird's eye view.

When we sit at the editing table and are surprised, when we react emotionally and get goosebumps because of the breathtaking images, these shots will find a place in our film. We will unearth the greatest and most award-winning drone footage on our planet and bring these cinematic treasures to the cinema. With our new film project "Like a Bird - the best drone shots in the world" we will create something completely new, which has never existed in this form before.

The fascination for aerial videography is unbroken. We want to build on this success so that your drone videos can be seen by a large audience. Of course we will reward your contribution: We will pay you 900 € per minute if your footage is selected for the feature film, and we will calculate by the second.
The most important things in brief:

We are creating an 80-90 minute feature film consisting entirely of drone footage. Through this call, we are looking for the most sensational, incredible, fascinating and award-worthy drone footage from all over the beautiful Earth.

You send us your 4K drone videos and we will edit a film from the best of the many submissions that will be shown on the big screen.
  • You send us your video footage by e-mail via a download link to a file hosting service (e.g. Onedrive, Dropbox, etc...) or by mail on a data storage medium (USB-Stick, SD-Card, etc.).
  • Here you can find the conditions of participation. Please print them out, fill in the form, scan it and send it to us together with your videos.
  • The footage has been shot by you personally in a technically flawless manner, ideally in 4K, and you have the sole rights to the aerial video footage submitted.
  • You have shot the footage under legal conditions and observed all local regulations.
  • If your video finds a place in our film, we will pay you 900 Euro per minute of used footage incl. VAT. (We will calculate accurately and to the second, i.e. 15,00 € per second.) Payment will be made on the day of the theatrical release by bank transfer.
  • In return we get from you the right to show and exploit your footage worldwide, temporally and spatially unlimited in all media (cinema, DVD, Bluray, TV, social media, streaming and in all other available media and also to show excerpts detached from the theatrical film for the promotion of the theatrical film) (See in detail point 8 of this license agreement).
  • We are fair and only ask for the non-exclusive right from you, i.e. you still own your recordings. If you send us your videos by mail, please do not send us original files, but make us a copy of the unedited, uncompressed original material, preferably in 4K, because we will not be able to send anything back to you. The effort would simply be too great with the large number of submissions.
  • You must be at least 18 years old on the day the video is shot or – if you are under 18 – have the consent of your parents/guardians to participate in the project.
Your video footage will be selected for the feature film:

  • If it is unique, or particularly creative in the image composition.
  • If the bird's-eye view reveals something that could not be seen from the ground perspective.
  • If it is flawless in technical execution (properly exposed, absolutely sharp, good cropping, etc.).
  • Please do not send us any video material if you only flew over your potato field or the local swimming lake and this material might be "quite nice", but just not special. You should find your video sensational and unique yourself and think that it absolutely belongs in a feature film.
  • It is good if you have filmed your motif from different angles (from the side, from close up, from a distance, from the top view, flying towards it, circling it, flying from the bottom up, etc...), so that we can then cut together a longer sequence if necessary.
  • We need your contact details (address, e-mail and phone number), so that we can get in touch with you if we have any questions. Of course, we do not share your data and treat them in accordance with the GDPR.         
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